Assorted computer tips
This is a list of tips and links for computer-related things that don't warrant their own pages.
- Burning an ISO to a CD/DVD from the Terminal: hdiutil burn IMAGE_NAME.iso
- Force an NTP server resync bypassing corporate policy:
- w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:(IP) /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update
- w32tm /resync
- ShredOS is a ~30MB Linux LiveCD/USB distribution to facilitate securely wiping drives.
- Identifying nested node packages: tree -P "package.json" -I "node_modules" --prune
- Launch a shell in an arbitrary Docker Hub image (ubuntu:20.04): docker run -it -t ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash
- Nearest-neighbor scaling with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i infile -s WIDTHxHEIGHT -sws_flags neighbor outfile
- Stripping EXIF data with imagemagick: mogrify -strip img.jpg